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  • Poison

Cosplaying as Poison from Street Fighter is a great choice for fans of the fighting game series and those who love a powerful female character. As one of the original female characters in the game, Poison has become a fan favorite and the subject of many great cosplays over the years. She’s not the most challenging cosplay ever, but she’s a lot of fun and there’s still some tricks to getting it just right.

For me, this involved finding a crop top that I could rip the bottom hem of to match her ripped look from Street Fighter 5. I also found the tiniest jean shorts I could (my fans made the joke they were 90% hem) to sell the flirty vibe of the character. She has an arm sock and an opposite thigh high legging, which was easy enough – I bought a pait of thigh highs and cut out the foot of one of them, then sewed it tighter to fit my arm!

For the hat emblem and belt buckle, those were the most custom pieces of the outfit – I decided to 3d print them, which meant I needed to learn how to 3d model them first. They came out pretty good for my first attempt at digital sculpting! Usually I am working with actual real clay so it was quite an experience.

I also needed to recreate Poison’s wild pink hair, which is much shorter in Street Fighter V than in her previous games. There is an incredible amount of wig glue and hair spray involved, and I’m very happy with how it fits Poison’s signature silhouette without looking cartoony.

Poison is a lot of fun to cosplay – one of my favorites for those hot summer conventions where some of my larger costumes are just too much.

Check out these related products

I sell a variety of props and cosplay items for the characters that I cosplay! You can also find full digital downloads of the photoshoots for my characters, including several photos never posted publicly before!

Related Tutorials

Looking to learn more about cosplay? Here’s some tutorials that help explain how I brought this character to life!

About the author

Amber Brite

Amber Brite is a professional cosplayer and prop maker specializing in alien headpieces (especially Star Wars species), body paint, and armor. She's passionate about sharing her skills and creates tutorials on various cosplay topics to help new cosplayers learn and grow.