Gaige the Mechromancer

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  • Gaige

My very, very first cosplay, all the way back in 2013, was Gaige the Mechromancer from Borderlands 2! I was obsessed with the game at the time – a funny thing because I usually hate First Person Shooters. I’m more of an RPG girl, I get so turned around in first person mode, and I don’t have great aim.

But Gaige was perfect – she just summons her giant robot of death, and the robot does all the hard work so I could just run around playing loot simulator! Plus, she’s probably my favorite sort of character – quirky, kind of unhinged, but bubbly and cute? Yes please.

So when I first got into cosplay, she was my first choice! It was the first time I had ever sewed anything other than a quilt, my first time styling a wig, and building the props like her metal arm and her belt accessories was a really fun project!

I owe a lot to what I learned while making her, and I went back in 2015 and redid a lot of the costume – a better vest, better tights… I’ve moved on from Borderlands since then (BL3 didn’t have a character with a giant robot… so I never played it!) But Gaige will always have a place in my heart as my first ever cosplay.

Related Tutorials

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About the author

Amber Brite

Amber Brite is a professional cosplayer and prop maker specializing in alien headpieces (especially Star Wars species), body paint, and armor. She's passionate about sharing her skills and creates tutorials on various cosplay topics to help new cosplayers learn and grow.